Case Study

Case Study 23: TekuTeku

Tekuteku Sama, a specified non-profit organization

The calculation part has been simplified and the tabulation work has been eliminated.


Tekuteku, an NPO that operates five group homes in Kyoto Prefecture and dispatches helpers for home care and severe home-visit care. The head office manages the working status of about 80 employees, including full-time employees and part-time employees.

Tekuteku Sama is a specified non-profit organization.

Business summary

Number of short-term admission users: Approximately 90 employees

Number of branches: 6
General Affairs Department Mr. Okai Mr. Okamoto

We interviewed Mr. Okai and Mr. Okamoto of the General Affairs Department, who manage attendance at KING OF TIME in parallel (instead of the secretary-general during childcare leave) while working as a short-term admission and home-care business manager. 


What were the issues before you introduced KING OF TIME?

Until now, individuals entered the attendance time and leaving time in the attendance record, and the manager checked it every month. The secretary (during childcare leave) was collecting the attendance records for about 80 people by himself, but it was difficult to collect the attendance records held by individual staff at each base by the due date. bottom.

After collecting the attendance record, the secretary-general was responsible for counting. When there was no correction, I spent about two days working on it. It will take more time if confirmation is required due to writing mistakes or omissions. In some cases, the secretary will contact the staff directly, and in other cases, the business manager or person in charge at the base will inform the on-site staff, but it took a long time to make the final confirmation.

Mr. Okamoto, Mr. Okai

Did you introduce KING OF TIME and solve the problem?
Yes. The calculation part has been simplified and the tabulation work has been eliminated. The best thing is that the correct numbers come out.
In addition, the closing process for attendance management has become faster than before. I don’t forget when I’m in the office, but when I go straight to the site, I always miss the stamp. Even so, I feel that it is an advantage that the administrator can process it as soon as it is confirmed.

The good thing about using KING OF TIME is that it is easy to manage the process. Since it is a cloud, it is an advantage that not only one administrator but also other administrators can check and operate in the same way. It’s also nice to be able to check how much paid leave you spend on a monthly or yearly basis and overtime hours.

Is there anything that your company has devised in KING OF TIME?

Elderly people are not good at using smartphones, so basically I only commute to work and leave.
The time of home help (* It is the business hours at the customer’s site and is calculated separately because the hourly wage is different) is entered by the administrator in the “auxiliary items” after confirming the work.

Until now, the staff themselves filled in the attendance record, but the management side confirms and confirms the schedule.


Please let us know if you have any improvement points or requests for KING OF TIME.


Since there is time to be counted separately from various work styles such as home, short-term admission, and group home, auxiliary items are required for each. Depending on the person, the sub-item column may be insufficient, so I think it would be more convenient if more than 20 sub-items could be registered.
We will use it as a reference for future development.
Thank you for telling us a valuable story.