Privacy Policy


Personal Data Protection Policy

Human Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd. seriously recognizes the importance of personal data of customers as comprising part of their privacy and, if we handle personal data of customers with respect to the provision of the attendance management system using cloud and its ancillary service, we respect our customers and respond to the customers’ expectation and trust to us by adopting internal rules for protection of personal data and compliance of laws relating thereto, establishing our organizational system and making efforts to properly protect personal data.

  • 1. Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Data
    We properly collect, use or disclose personal data which we handles during the process of any of our business and personal data of our employees. We take measures not to use personal data beyond the scope of purposes specified so that personal data will not be handled beyond what is necessary to achieve the specified purpose.
  • 2. Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Guidelines Regarding Personal Data
    We comply with laws and regulations, guidelines and other guidance provided by the regulatory authorities regarding the personal data.
  • 3. Security of Personal Data
    We take reasonable measures to prevent and correct, among other things, the unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage with respect to personal data.
  • 4. Response to Claims and Enquiries
    We respond to claims or enquiries as soon as reasonably possible with respect to the handling of his/her personal data.
  • 5. Continuous Improvement Regarding Protection of Personal Data (Management System for Protection of Personal Data)
    We continuously revisit and improve our management system for the protection of personal data to properly protect personal data.

Kazuyuki Okuhata
Human Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd.


Privacy Policy

Human Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd. has established a policy to protect personal data collected from users of our website (hereinafter referred to as this “Website”).

  • 1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
    In order to protect personal data, we comply with the Personal Data Protection Act, guidelines provided by the regulatory authorities, and other relevant laws and regulations.
  • 2. Methods and Purpose of Collection of Personal Data
    We may collect users’ personal data in this Website.
    We establish a management system for the protection of personal data in accordance with the nature of our business with respect to the handling of personal data, and properly and carefully use such personal data within the scope of the following purposes in accordance with our internal rules:

    • – for responding to inquiries;
    • – for setting up service accounts;
    • – for implementation of questionnaires;
    • – for sending our notices;
    • – for providing information regarding products, services, events, seminars, etc. provided by us and affiliated companies;
    • – for operation and management of campaigns, etc.;
    • – for processing such data into a form that cannot identify individuals or specific users and producing, using and providing statistical data and marketing materials; and
    • – for the purposes of use incidental to the above purposes of use.
  • 3. Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties
    We will not disclose personal data to any third party without the prior consent of the users,
    Provided, however, that this shall not apply to the following cases:

    • where the disclosure of personal data to an outsourcing contractors is required within the scope of the original purposes of the use.
      In the event the disclosure of personal data to the outsourcing contractors is required, we properly supervise them regarding the information management; and
    • where the disclosure is permitted under the Personal Data Protection Act.
  • 4. Technical Information, such as Log-Files, Cookies and Web Beacons
    This Website collects log-files, sends cookies (including sending cookies from third-parties’ servers to measure advertising effects), and installs web beacons to collect information such as the users’ IP addresses, the numbers of accesses, browsers, OS and other user terminals, etc. You may refuse to accept cookies by setting up your browser, but in that case, some of the services on this Website may not be available. Such information is collected for the purpose of analyzing trends in the use of this Website and investigating the causes of problems when they occur, and is not used for the purpose of identifying individuals.
  • 5. Methods for Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, etc. of Personal Data of Users
    In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, a user may request the disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of personal data of the user. Any request for disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of personal data, opinions, questions, requests for complaints, or other inquiries about the handling of personal data may be submitted to the following contact. After confirming your identity, we will respond.
  • 6. Legal Disclaimer for Disclosure
    Information may be disclosed without the consent of users in response to a request made by the national or local government, court, police, or other organizations authorized by laws or regulations.
  • 7. Supervision of Employees and Outsourcing Contractors
    We regularly provides in-house training on security and protection of personal data to raise employees’ awareness of personal data protection. In addition, we may outsource the handling of personal data, in whole or in part, to other third parties. In this event, we select the outsourcing contractors that are deemed to properly handle personal data, and properly set forth the safety control measures, confidentiality, conditions and terms regarding outsourcing, and other matters pertaining to the handling of personal data in outsourcing contracts and implement the necessary and appropriate supervision.
  • 8. Security Measures
    We take reasonable precautions to protect collected personal data and protect personal data both online and offline. Using technologies such as firewalls, intrusion detection, and SSL, personal data is handled with extreme caution, and personal data is accessible only by authorized personnel who are required for work.
  • 9. Cases that Fall under the Category of Use Different from the Original Purpose
    In principle, we will not use the personal data of users beyond the scope of the purposes specified in the Privacy Policy at the time of collection. Any use of personal data beyond the scope of the original purpose of use shall be made with the prior consent of the users.
  • 10. Handling of Personal Data of the Linked Websites
    There are several external links in this Website. The scope of this Privacy Policy is limited to this Website. For the handling of personal data on the external websites, please refer to the privacy policy of the linked websites.
  • 11. Notice of Changes and Updates of the Privacy Policy and Complaints
    We will review and improve our services on a regular basis. As a result, the Privacy Policy may be changed from time to time. If there are significant changes to the Privacy Policy, we will announce such changes on this Website. In addition, please contact the following contact information for inquiries and complaints regarding our handling of personal data.

[Human Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd.]
[Kazuyuki Okuhata]
[Tel. +65-6690-8821]

Notice regarding Personal Data Subject to Disclosure

We hereby notify you of the handling of personal data regarding all requests for disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of the content, suspension of use, or deletion of personal data requested by customers (referred to as the “personal data subject to disclosure”) as follows:

  • 1. Entities Handling Personal Data
    Human Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd.
  • 2. Personal Data Protection Managers
    Human Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd. Personal Data Protection Manager
  • 3. Purpose of Use of Personal Data subject to Disclosure
    • – for responding to customers’ inquiries;
    • – for improving products based on customers’ complaints and opinions;
    • – for sending various materials and providing other services as requested by customers;
    • – for reflecting information in the formulation of new services and the enhancement of our services for customers;
    • – for using as statistical materials (on a no-name basis);
    • – for labor management of employees; and
    • – for recruitment management
  • 4. Where to Request for Complaints about the Handling of the Personal Data subject to Disclosure
    For complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of the personal data subject to disclosure, please contact the contact information listed in the contact information above.
  • 5. Request for Disclosure, etc.
    If you request notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of the contents, suspension of use, or deletion of the personal data subject to disclosure, please contact the contact information listed below. We will respond to your request for disclosure, etc.

    • – Application for Requests for Disclosure, etc.
      Human Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd.
      [Address: 27 West Coast Highway, #02-22, Singapore 117867]
      [Tel. +65-6690-8821]
    • – Acceptance of Requests for Disclosure
      Please contact us via Email or visit us in person.
    • – Method of Identity Confirmation
      We will check with your license, basic resident register card (with photo) and other documents. If you contact us via phone, we will give you a return call.
    • – Fees
      No charge. Provided, however, that in the event of any changes in the fee, we will announce such changes in advance.
    • – The name of the authorized personal data protection organization to which Human Technologies, Inc., our parent company, belongs and the contact information to which the request is made for the resolution of the complaint

Public Relations Office
Roppongi First Building, 9-9 Roppongi 1-chome,
Minato-ku Tokyo, 106-0032 Japan
Tel: 03-5860-7565, 0120-700-779