
More support to enhance skills of HR professionals

Recently it has been announced that Human resource (HR) professionals will get more support for upskilling as part of efforts to ensure that they are equipped to harness the benefits of tech transformation.

It is being announced by Senior Minister of State for Manpower Zaqy Mohamad that the Institute for Human Resource Professionals (IHRP) will develop more and different learning avenues for HR professionals.

HR Industry Transformation Advisory Panel (HRTAP) noted that we need to help build a stronger HR sector in Singapore to enable business and workforce transformation.

The panel was convened last year to come up with ways for HR professionals to use more technology as they help workers and businesses transform.

It aims to have more than 10,000 HR professionals take up IHRP or equivalent certification, and confer 10,000 skills badges in emerging skills such as data-led talent acquisition by 2025, Mr Zaqy said.

“Through upskilling and supporting business and workforce transformation, we will continue to elevate HR professionals into strategic business partners and leaders. In turn, this also means better jobs in HR,” he said, noting that there are about 47,000 HR professionals in Singapore, of whom 90 per cent are local.


Mr Zaqy highlighted that median wages for HR professionals have grown by about 10 per cent from 2015, and HRTAP aims to support these workers to take on roles with higher value-add and wages through HR transformation.

The panel has also recommended both targeted and broad-based initiatives to help companies build HR capabilities.

As part of its targeted support, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and IHRP is working with agencies to develop sector-specific HR playbooks, with curated tools and solutions.

Broader measures implemented include providing businesses with greater access to more affordable HR technology solutions.

If you would like to find out on the use of HR technology solutions, head to our product page on King of Time!