Case Study

Case Study 4: Club Med Japan

Club Med Co., Ltd.

The key to success is “two-legged race” with support staff

Club Med Co., Ltd., a Japanese corporation of Club Med, operates about 70 resorts around the world, from beach resorts to mountain resorts and snow resorts.
Club Med, which operates two resorts in Hokkaido and Okinawa, has implemented KING OF TIME since last year. Ms Takami, who was in charge of personnel and labour in the spring of 2018, had no experience in HRM-related work until then. However, with the introduction and close communication with the support staff of KING OF TIME, Club Med was able to start full-scale operation at the head office. In this interview, we invited Ms Takami and our support staff Ms Sekikawa who provided the implementation support.
Club Med Co., Ltd.

Business summary

Company name
Club Med Co., Ltd.
Business type
Sending customers to Club Med resorts around the world
Planning and hosting Club Med tours in Japan
Number of users
About 60 people

Out of the blue, I became an inexperienced HR manager!
I overcame difficulties with help of KING OF TIME support staff

Mr. Takami
Ms. Takami

Ms. Sekikawa: Club Med has been in charge of supporting the introduction of KING OF TIME since June 2018, but at that time Takami herself had just become a human resource and labour manager.

Ms. Takami: Yes. I joined the HRM department in the spring of 2018, but I had no experience in personnel and labour management. I decided to introduce KING OF TIME, but the setting was taken over from my predecessor and I was rather worried about it.
Ms. Sekikawa: At that time, I was very supportive and talked for almost an hour each time.
Ms. Takami: At that time, it was not an exaggeration to say that Ms Sekikawa was the only person I could rely on. In addition to supporting the introduction of KING OF TIME, she taught us various things with regards to labour law and HR management.
Despite the support being done over phone and e-mail, I was able to solve my questions and problems one after another because it was instantaneous as if she was right next to me and respond immediately. My initial anxiety soon disappeared.

Succeeded in reviewing complicated work rules by utilizing telephone and email support!

Mr. Sekikawa

Ms. Sekikawa

Ms. Sekikawa: Before the introduction of KING OF TIME, it was managed by Excel and paper. Immediately after the set-up the aggregated value of KING OF TIME and the value recorded in Excel did not match! I recall checking it multiple times.
Ms. Takami: I have no doubt that excel has various calculations but I realized we had a complex management system before using KoT.
I thought I want KoT to calculate following our complex rules but before that, I asked my boss to simplify our management system first. Resulting in good for our company adopted KoT.
Ms. Sekikawa: I feel that one of the factors that led to the smooth introduction was that we were able to confirm with the labour and social security attorneys and make in-house adjustments when necessary.

Creating your own manual will support smooth introduction!

Ms. Sekikawa: I heard that you didn’t hold an in-house briefing session when the operation started. How did you tell the employees how to use KING OF TIME in detail?
Ms. Takami: At first, I thought that a briefing session was necessary because it would be significantly different from the current management method. However, it was not easy for us to gather employees because we often work outside the company, so we decided to create our own manual for employees and admins instead.
Ms. Sekikawa: Could you tell us what you have considered when creating the manual?
Ms. Takami: From the method of logging in for the first time and the bookmark registration method of the clock-in screen, everyone absolutely needs paid leave application and overtime application, domestic and overseas business trip application for business trips, application for allowance, In accordance with our own rules such as the approval method for approvers, we created it in as much detail as possible with a screenshot of the screen and shared it by in-house email.
Ms. Sekikawa: How was the reaction of all the employees?
Ms. Takami: Immediately after guiding the employees, there may have a flood of inquiries. To be honest, I was afraid, but when I opened the lid, I answered some questions daily and I was able to introduce it smoothly enough to beat it.
Ms. Sekikawa: Did you operate the stamping and application functions without any problems?

Combined use of mobile phone stamping

PC clock-in and mobile clock-in

Ms. Takami: At our company, we have adopted a method that allows a combination of clock-in method, employees working inside the company can use their own PCs for stamping, and employees working outside the company use their own PCs or mobile phones for stamping. It’s a big change from the existing management method, but I think that the reason why the number of questions was minimized and it transitioned smoothly. Furthermore, the system itself was designed to be easy for anyone to use. In addition, by customizing the manual for our own employees and admins, I think that it was easily understood by everyone.
Ms. Sekikawa: I heard that there are some employees who are not accustomed to the change, how did you fare?
Ms. Takami: Yes. For example, in the case of allowances, if I forget to apply, the payment will be delayed. So I was relying heavily on the manual. I feel that it just takes a while to get used to the application.

With the introduction of KING OF TIME, the work time is greatly reduced to 1/5!

Ms. Sekikawa: After introducing KING OF TIME, are there any specific effects you have realized?
Ms. Takami: There are various things, but it is most evident in the reduction of work effort compared to when I was doing attendance management based on Excel or paper. In terms of duration, I think it’s just one-fifth of the original time.
Ms. Sekikawa: That’s 80% less time, isn’t it? That is a very nice word for the support centre that is helping us to introduce it. What steps contributed in reducing man-hours?
Ms. Takami: For example, even when managing overtime hours, until the introduction of KING OF TIME, I opened the Excel sheets for all employees and copied the overtime hours while checking each one for mistakes. However, it is now possible to grasp and manage the exact time by stamping employees, which is reflected in real-time, only on the KING OF TIME screen. Furthermore, regarding paid holiday management, it was previously managed on paper, and it was difficult to grasp the number of days acquired and the number of remaining days, so it took a considerable amount of man-hours to confirm.
Ms. Sekikawa: Just listening to the story seems to be daunting.
Ms. Takami: KING OF TIME can manage not only attendance but also paid holidays, so centralized management eliminates time-consuming work.
Not only was it possible to reduce the time and effort required for work, but the introduction of KING OF TIME made it possible to eliminate human errors such as description errors and tabulation errors, which is a major factor for the company as a whole, especially for HRM.
Furthermore, even if someone takes over the personnel and labour affairs in the future, there is already a manual for employees and approvers, and in addition to this, we are gradually creating a new manual for handing over. After all, all the functions necessary for attendance management are included in KING OF TIME, and you can rest assured that you have a complete support system.
Ms. Sekikawa: I think that it was not only KING OF TIME but also Ms. Takami’s efforts that made it possible to improve the efficiency and quality of work related to personnel and labour at the same time. Thank you very much for your time today Ms. Takami!