Kyoto Spacer

By replacing the attendance system, more accurate time management and time aggregation have become possible.
Kyoto Spacer Co., Ltd., has 16 sales offices, 7 factories, 1 branch office, and 1 distribution center as a comprehensive manufacturer of manufacturing, processing, and sales of construction and civil engineering materials.
There are also production bases overseas (Dalian, China), and the work status of each base is collectively managed ate the head office.

Business summary
Company name
Kyoto Spacer Co., Ltd.
Business format
Manufacture, processing and sale of construction and civil engineering materials
Number of users
About 400 people
Number of Branches
25 branches
Also, how was that problem solved by introducing KING OF TIME?
The main reasons are as follows.
We can now manage your time and aggregate your time more accurately than the attendance system you used before. I’ve heard that it has become easier for employees to check their attendance information in more detail.
In addition, we were able to solve the problem of creating shifts by introducing the flextime system, which was the most important issue, by combining it with overtime work applications, so we are now able to respond to a wider variety of work styles.
The date the vacation was taken and the validity period of the vacation are displayed on the employee’s screen so that the employee can check it by himself / herself. Before KING OF TIME, I had to check with my superior each time, so it was a hassle for both listeners and listeners. It is also very helpful to be able to reduce this man-hour.
Also, since the screen itself is easy to understand, there are few inquiries about how to use it from each superior. In the previous system, each superior did not know the point of view and frequently inquired about personnel affairs.
Since it can also be used by overseas workers, it is no longer necessary to apply for vacations and manage results on paper. Until now, one month’s work book was sent by e-mail, but after the introduction of KING OF TIME, it has become possible to manage it in real time in the same way as working in Japan.
In addition, one of the group companies was migrating from paper time cards, which greatly simplified the time required for management and aggregation. By combining schedule-based commuting time counting with unscheduled early commuting time applications, only actual working hours are now accounted for as working hours.
It should be intuitively easy to understand that it is possible to visually call attention, such as displaying warning items in any color.
In particular, group companies with different business formats are also used, but how are they managed?
Two or three people are in charge. Group companies with different business formats have different work shifts and break times depending on the day, and there is a risk of not taking breaks. We operate with a mechanism that allows managers and payroll staff to reconfirm whether they have acquired the certificate.
Group company settings were entered at the headquarters.
Since KING OF TIME can set innumerable affiliations and aggregation rules within the same account, group companies are also controlled collectively.
It is used properly according to the work style.
For the parts that I couldn’t understand by all means, I contacted the support center, and for the parts that were difficult to communicate in writing, I confirmed and solved them by telephone inquiries.
It took one and a half months to build the overall configuration such as initial settings, and from the third month onward, some departments with about 20 people operated in parallel with the existing system, and it was confirmed that there was no problem, so the fourth month. Since then, we have started using it company-wide.
From the administrator’s point of view, it is appreciated that approval required data, error data, etc. are displayed on the top screen for easy confirmation, and that schedules can be registered in a batch, which makes it more efficient.
It is popular with employees that it is now possible to check the vacation acquisition date and vacation validity period from the vacation management menu on the time card screen.
In addition, since the progress of approval can be checked immediately from the application history, it is convenient to save the trouble of checking with seniors and to easily cancel the application before approval. There are many.